Dog-proofing your home during the holidays

Good morning ya’ll! Dogs, babies, and Christmas decorations do not go together. From burning candles, a giant evergreen covered in fragile baubles and even strings of food, to a kitchen with frosting and sprinkles on every surface. If you’re hosting, forget about the nice china and stemware. Sorry folks, we’re using solo cups this year!ContinueContinue reading “Dog-proofing your home during the holidays”

Dreaming of a White Christmas

Inspiration for White Christmas decorations are more than just a white color pallet. A White Christmas is of course reminiscent of snow, so I like to think of it as bringing the outdoors in. This is an opportunity to decorate your home with things that celebrate nature and remind us of the holidays at the same time.

Picking a Theme for your Holiday Decor

Holiday decorating is so important to me. It gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling to see my little Santa Clause figurines, string lights, wreath, snowflakes, etc… twinkling at my when I’m hanging at home. I would bet a decent amount that I’m not the only one who feels this way about the holidays. I’d also bet, possibly more, that others like myself have large families with kids who ‘need’ lots and lots of presents, host events over the holidays, and totally stress over how to afford it all!

Holiday Decorating on a Budget

Good morning! Let’s jump right in; the holidays. Am I getting a little ahead of myself? No. I tend to jump into holiday mode as soon as it is consistently below 55 degrees for over a week. Once Halloween is over, just forget about it because the decorations are going up. I am known toContinueContinue reading “Holiday Decorating on a Budget”

Quick Core Workout and Feeling Untraditional

Good Morning Readers! FINALLY getting back into my groove. OK. That’s not true, as far as fitness goes I’ve been grooving for a couple of months, it’s just been a secret. I’m back and ready to share. Before we get into the flow, I just have a few notes…Because this blog also functions as myContinueContinue reading “Quick Core Workout and Feeling Untraditional”

A Completely Overwhelming and Selfless Kind of Love

Good morning! Trying to get back into the swing of writing after surviving the somewhat brutal 4th trimester of pregnancy (aka the first three months at home with a newborn). Let’s see how it goes! Just a slight disclaimer here before I scare anyone off; No, I am not going to only write about motherhoodContinueContinue reading “A Completely Overwhelming and Selfless Kind of Love”

New Beginnings

Ever find it impossibly hard to return to something you have abandoned for some time? Yes. A world of yes. For me? A normal eating routine. A fitness regimen. A writing schedule. Personal relaxation and self-care. These things are often lost in the first few months of parenthood (or so I’ve heard), especially as IContinueContinue reading “New Beginnings”

Adapting to pregnancy: Things I look forward to about not being pregnant

Here I sit, 35 weeks pregnant, and the days are flying by. I am patiently waiting for the period in which, according to many ‘helpful’ individuals, time stops and you feel as though you have been pregnant for 5 years. Thank you for the helpful advice *eye roll* but so far I feel as ifContinueContinue reading “Adapting to pregnancy: Things I look forward to about not being pregnant”


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