Killer Bum Workout

Hello friends! Welcome to your killer booty workout of the day! The first two videos below will work the ever loving crap out of your butt 🙂 because yay! The third is a cool down series that targets the glutes – because I’m nice and I want you to be able to sit for theContinueContinue reading “Killer Bum Workout”

Side Plank Series

Hello there – What’s your workout style?? Do you like to work your whole body or focus on a different muscle group each day? Are you a cardio freak or couldn’t get caught within 10 feet of a treadmill? Body weight workout or weight training? Or perhaps you take the more natural route; biking, hiking,ContinueContinue reading “Side Plank Series”

Pilates Core: Plank Variations and Lower abdominals

Good morning readers! A little tidbit of Pilates to help you work on that core… and now a few notes on the exercises: Think of the core as a cylinder..not just the abdominals, but the multifidi, the lumbar spine, the pelvic floor and ALL of those deep, deep abdominals also known as the transverse abdominals.ContinueContinue reading “Pilates Core: Plank Variations and Lower abdominals”

20-minute Pilates- Let’s Talk About Progressions

Hey there, Pilates is a great workout for ALL fitness levels. Like all other forms of fitness, it can be tailored to your specific fitness level! Many Pilates instructors teach with progressions, the exception being of course if a class is labeled as beginner, intermediate or advanced. However, generally one shoe fits all with theContinueContinue reading “20-minute Pilates- Let’s Talk About Progressions”

Functional Full-Body Workout

Morning friends! Check of five of my favorite functional whole-body combo exercises. But FIRST! What is a…? Functional exercise  An exercise that mimics an every day task (i.e. reaching for something, lifting something) An exercise made to increase functionality in everyday activities (i.e. climbing stairs) Whole-body exercise …works the whole body Combo exercise Works twoContinueContinue reading “Functional Full-Body Workout”

Pilates Index: words to know

Below you will find a list of commonly used terms within the fitness world, especially ones you find within the Pilates method.   Positions: Table top legs From a supine position, knees bent at 90 degrees with knees stacked on top of hips, shins parallel with the floor. Supine On your back Prone On yourContinueContinue reading “Pilates Index: words to know”

Quarantined, but I still have a nice ass (30 minute BOOTY FOCUS pilates flow)

Another day gone and the relative number of fucks I give grows dangerously low. I wonder if I will be left with anything resembling a filter at the end of all this? Nothing we can do for now, except try to stay positive and ignore the stress, desperation and fear that is circumnavigating the generalContinueContinue reading “Quarantined, but I still have a nice ass (30 minute BOOTY FOCUS pilates flow)”

Pilates Flow in Solitude

Here we are, just trying to get through one day at a time.   Follow me on FB @cam Di genti to join my LIVE PILATES WORKOUTS (almost) every morning during our #coronaquarantine. Let’s do this together to maintain some universal motivation & positivity. Here is the flow from my video yesterday:   Needless toContinueContinue reading “Pilates Flow in Solitude”


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