
Pilates Movement Principles and Beginner Exercises

I have been receiving some feedback that many who wish to try pilates are feeling intimidated because there is a lot of verbiage/talk of activating certain muscle groups and areas of the body that are completely foreign to those who(m?) are unfamiliar with pilates basics. There are 10 Pilates Movement Principles, each of which areContinue reading "Pilates Movement Principles and Beginner Exercises"


Lazy Day Legs and Dogs

Good Morning Readers! Round two of fitness videos with the worst lighting. Literally the worst, it's just terrible. Not too much to add today except that I am feeling very sluggish, sleepy, and a little fluffy. All I really want to do is snuggle, and apparently my dog Gavin shares feels the same, as youContinue reading "Lazy Day Legs and Dogs"

5 Best Combination Exercises

One of my favorite way to exercise when it comes to functional workouts is with combination exercises. Combination exercises are, you guessed it, routines that incorporate multiple movements into one grande, all encompassing exercise. Many of us (myself included) have a small window in which to squeeze in a daily workout (fondly referred to asContinue reading "5 Best Combination Exercises"

Pilates Series of 5 – Ab and Booty Flow

Morning friends!   The Pilates Series of 5 flow is an great abdominal workout and incorporates 5 quintessential exercises from the pilates world. Single-leg stretch Double-leg stretch Double straight-leg stretch Single straight-leg stretch Criss cross Modifications are always available to you as you work your way up to the full movement. Consider trying some ofContinue reading "Pilates Series of 5 – Ab and Booty Flow"

Warm-up & Cool-down Stretches

Hey all, Finally seeing the hint of Spring in the air...it's been a long time coming. I probably have mentioned this before, but I am not the biggest fan of stretching. Because I usually have such a small amount of time to workout in the morning before life takes over, I am always so reluctantContinue reading "Warm-up & Cool-down Stretches"

Killer Bum Workout

Hello friends! Welcome to your killer booty workout of the day! The first two videos below will work the ever loving crap out of your butt 🙂 because yay! The third is a cool down series that targets the glutes - because I'm nice and I want you to be able to sit for theContinue reading "Killer Bum Workout"

Side Plank Series

Hello there - What's your workout style?? Do you like to work your whole body or focus on a different muscle group each day? Are you a cardio freak or couldn't get caught within 10 feet of a treadmill? Body weight workout or weight training? Or perhaps you take the more natural route; biking, hiking,Continue reading "Side Plank Series"

Beginner Booty Workout

Morning' friends! Working out at home takes motivation and compromise. You don't have the gym-style atmosphere to get you excited, the cardio machine of your choice, or the array of dum bells, straps, benches, bars, and what not. So how can we make the home-workout experience a little better? Well, you gotta start somewhere. FocusContinue reading "Beginner Booty Workout"

Full Body 30 Minute Pilates Flow

Good morning friends! Welcome to my 30 minute Full body Pilates Flow! Watch the video below for a 15-minute, sped up version (for those of us who get bored) Or scroll to the bottom and watch the full-length video on my YouTube channel! A few things to keep in mind while following along with theseContinue reading "Full Body 30 Minute Pilates Flow"

Pilates Core: Plank Variations and Lower abdominals

Good morning readers! A little tidbit of Pilates to help you work on that core... and now a few notes on the exercises: Think of the core as a cylinder..not just the abdominals, but the multifidi, the lumbar spine, the pelvic floor and ALL of those deep, deep abdominals also known as the transverse abdominals.Continue reading "Pilates Core: Plank Variations and Lower abdominals"


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