Pilates Movement Principles and Beginner Exercises

I have been receiving some feedback that many who wish to try pilates are feeling intimidated because there is a lot of verbiage/talk of activating certain muscle groups and areas of the body that are completely foreign to those who(m?) are unfamiliar with pilates basics. There are 10 Pilates Movement Principles, each of which areContinueContinue reading “Pilates Movement Principles and Beginner Exercises”

Basic Benefits of Pilates

Good morning!   Guys, obviously I am biased because I chose Pilates as my preferred obsession and hope to make it my full-time career, but it is really just such an amazing way to work every single part of your body. Pilates was created by Joseph Pilates as a method of recovery and rehabilitation forContinueContinue reading “Basic Benefits of Pilates”

Plank Stretch and Core Work

Good Morning readers, We’ve had some great weather for the past few days, so I have been moving my routine outside. It’s reaching the end of August so it seems like a good idea to soak up as much sun as possible and enjoy the greenery while it lasts! I want to share a shortContinueContinue reading “Plank Stretch and Core Work”


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